Journey Story

A pregnant woman in a floral dress is standing in a field with her husband.

My Christian Calling To Surrogacy

By pwsbuilder / June 10, 2016 /

After the birth of my daughter in 2013 at midnight one night while I was up feeding her, I felt God. It was the strangest experience I have ever had. Many times in my life I have said in prayer “Please God, hit me over the head with the answer because I can’t take hints.”…

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A group of people raising their hands in a church.

I Am A Beloved Daughter Of God

By pwsbuilder / June 9, 2016 /

In college I started a blog. The website was orange text on different-orange background that hurt the eyes to read. The top was emblazoned the title “HYPOCRITE,” and below the title was a quote from the book of Matthew. It was the scene of Judas betraying Jesus, but I’d cut the context and just left…

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A statue of mary holding a child.

A Letter To Mi Querida Iglesia

By pwsbuilder / May 31, 2016 / Comments Off on A Letter To Mi Querida Iglesia

Para mi querida Iglesia, For a long time I have struggled with my relationship with you—at times proud of my Catholic faith, at times ashamed and hurt by my Catholic faith, at times a combination of all of this and much more. My journey of faith has been incredible and filled with experiences that I…

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A man standing on top of a hill with the sun setting behind him.

How I Navigated My Coming Out Process

By pwsbuilder / May 27, 2016 /

For those of us who are LGBTQ, we have almost certainly experienced some form of isolation, rejection, or tepid acceptance. This reality is simply a part of our story; but what I have come to learn in the past 18 months is that we all have beautiful, heart-breaking stories of truth. My story is really…

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The cover of a book with the title confronting religious denialism of gay marriage.

New Book On Gay Marriage Raises The Bar On Love

By pwsbuilder / May 23, 2016 / Comments Off on New Book On Gay Marriage Raises The Bar On Love

Honestly, it was hard for me to read this book. Even as an avid reader, it was hard to stick with it; however, it wasn’t hard for the reasons readers might assume. Some might jump to assume that it wasn’t well-researched, or well-written, or both. Some might even assume that it wasn’t catchy enough to…

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A man is riding a horse in a grassy field.

Mormon in Montana: My Experience Of LGBTQ Youth Homelessness

By pwsbuilder / May 20, 2016 / Comments Off on Mormon in Montana: My Experience Of LGBTQ Youth Homelessness

These days I am one of the first in any group to jump to defend someone’s religious beliefs, including their right to share them in a friendly, respectful manner. It wasn’t always this way. At one point in my life, I found all religion, spirituality, or belief system harmful and hypocritical. The second God was…

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A church with pews and a stained glass window.

God Is Faithful Even When The Church Is Not

By pwsbuilder / April 8, 2016 /

“But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;…

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A woman in a red jacket and a red background.

A Black Lesbian Bishop’s Journey In Ministry

By pwsbuilder / April 4, 2016 /

A religious stole was donated in honor of Bishop Abrams to the National LGBTQ Task Force’s Shower of Stoles, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary of telling the stories of LGBTQ people of faith. Click here to see how you can bring the Shower of Stoles project to your community.  I must admit: to be called to pastor…

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An older woman smiling in a field with mountains in the background.

How This Transgender Latina Found Her Way Back To Faith

By pwsbuilder / March 30, 2016 /

Nicole Garcia created and donated a religious stole to the National LGBTQ Task Force’s Shower of Stoles, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary of telling the stories of LGBTQ people of faith. Click here to see how you can bring the Shower of Stoles project to your community.  On Friday, as we celebrated Good Friday, I wore my…

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A wheat field with a church in the background.

Why I Stopped Pursuing Ordained Ministry

By pwsbuilder / March 29, 2016 /

In November of 2014, I decided to discontinue my efforts to be a certified candidate in the United Methodist Church. I’ll never forget that day. It was unseasonably warm, so I worn a white tank top and some black basketball shorts. I looked like I was prepping for a track meet, or at least for…

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