A blue car on top of a wrecked house.

Hurricanes, Homosexuals, & Other Culprits of Convenience

By pwsbuilder / March 13, 2019 / Comments Off on Hurricanes, Homosexuals, & Other Culprits of Convenience

Since the intentional misreading of the Sodom and Gomorrah story in Genesis 19 in the Bible where the twin cities were supposedly destroyed because of homosexual depravity, the causes of natural disasters always find ways to be placed on the backs of LGBTQ Americans. We have become an easy, go-to explanation. And, usually by Bible-thumping…

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A woman with rainbow hair sitting in front of a window.

A Christian Response To LGBT Teens & Bullying

By pwsbuilder / March 13, 2019 / Comments Off on A Christian Response To LGBT Teens & Bullying

MLP News Please pray for the friends and family of 14-year-old Kenneth James Weishuhn of Primghar, Iowa. Kenneth took his life on Saturday after being bullied for coming out as a gay teen a few months ago. Kenneth’s friends and family describe him as a happy young man, handsome and full of life. After coming…

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A monarch butterfly is hanging from a light fixture.

Personal Transformations: Learning to Embrace “The Gay”

By pwsbuilder / March 12, 2019 / Comments Off on Personal Transformations: Learning to Embrace “The Gay”

Nearly all of our best and most important transformations are prompted by personal connections, when what was once theoretical becomes achingly personal and powerful enough to blast through our preconceived, long-held beliefs. It’s why, with fewer and fewer gay people staying in the closet, more and more of us are being transformed by those personal connections,…

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The inside of a church with wooden pews.

Casper UCC’s Process Towards Believing Out Loud

By pwsbuilder / March 12, 2019 / Comments Off on Casper UCC’s Process Towards Believing Out Loud

Casper UCC's Process Towards Believing Out Loud

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A row of statues of the virgin mary.

Showing Another Side of Catholicism

By pwsbuilder / March 12, 2019 / Comments Off on Showing Another Side of Catholicism

Whenever the media uses the phrase “Catholic Church” when they reference statements made by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) or individual church leaders, Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director of DignityUSA, stands up to correct them. “The bishops try discredit Dignity by saying we’re not authorized not to use the word Catholic,” she states.…

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A group of voting stickers on a white surface.

A Little Taste of the Election 2012

By pwsbuilder / March 12, 2019 / Comments Off on A Little Taste of the Election 2012

By: Sara Snyder, Believe Out Loud  Every minute, the polls are flooded with excited citizens ready to cast their ballot in this election. Here’s a slideshow of some of our internet and live action favorites from today. Don’t forget to Vote and stay up to date with the latest news on marriage equality in the…

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A group of people waving rainbow flags in front of a bus.

Reclaiming Our Christian Faith

By pwsbuilder / January 15, 2019 / Comments Off on Reclaiming Our Christian Faith

Last week, our hearts were broken for an eight year old Virginia girl who was shamed and excluded by her Christian school because she does not dress and act enough “like a girl.” The same day, World Vision announced they would hire individuals in same-sex marriages—a decision they reversed after merely two days with an apology…

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Two men in suits standing next to each other at an event.

Believe Out Loud Director Joins Post-Election Panel Discussion

By pwsbuilder / January 15, 2019 / Comments Off on Believe Out Loud Director Joins Post-Election Panel Discussion

Washington, D.C.-November 15, 2012—Joseph Ward III, Director of Believe Out Loud, joins faith leaders at the U.S. Capitol tonight for a post-election panel discussion: “The Next Chapter in LGBT Justice: A Faith Perspective.” The discussion, convened by the Raben Group with Metropolitan Community Churches, will reflect upon the state of collaboration between progressive faith leaders…

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A group of people holding a banner that says support freedom to marry.

Let Mainers Know Why Marriage Matters To You

By pwsbuilder / January 15, 2019 / Comments Off on Let Mainers Know Why Marriage Matters To You

By Matt McTighe, Campaign Manager, Mainers United for Marriage This November, Mainers will head to the polls to vote on the freedom to marry. The way to win this historic campaign and win marriage for all Maine families is to share stories of why marriage matters to same-sex couples and their families. We need you,…

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A woman wearing a rainbow scarf in front of the supreme court.

Rev. Candy Holmes’ Resignation from MCC Leadership Roles

By pwsbuilder / March 9, 2018 / Comments Off on Rev. Candy Holmes’ Resignation from MCC Leadership Roles

Dear friends and colleagues, 

There are few things certain in life, but change is certain. Today I am writing to share a significant change in my ministry and why this shift is critical. 

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