
A wedding ring sits on top of an open book.

Marriage Is A Journey That All Should Be Able To Experience

By pwsbuilder / September 7, 2012 / Comments Off on Marriage Is A Journey That All Should Be Able To Experience

Via Stillwater Gazette Hope often gets confused with optimism, but the two are not the same thing. When asked about the future well being of the planet in light of global warming and other environmental threats, one of my favorite professors in seminary used to say, “I am not optimistic, but I am hopeful.” For…

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Two speech bubbles on a beige background.

The Gay Black Church

By pwsbuilder / September 7, 2012 / Comments Off on The Gay Black Church

  It’s Sunday afternoon in the sanctuary of City of Refuge, a linoleum-floored auditorium with folding chairs, at a particularly sketchy downtown San Francisco intersection. Yvette Flunder, founding pastor, is preaching at the podium, a fine wooden pedestal that gives the altar a hint of traditional “church.” It was her grandfather’s pulpit, and now she’s…

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San francisco city hall wedding.

10 Reasons Conservative Christians Should Support Same-Sex Marriage

By pwsbuilder / September 6, 2012 / Comments Off on 10 Reasons Conservative Christians Should Support Same-Sex Marriage

Via Huffington Post In raising my kids, I have to apply certain moral principles, rules to live by, that derive from my own sense of right and wrong and the foundation I have: follow the golden rule, be willing to learn, help others, don’t judge, etc. I pass these on to my boys not because…

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Talk to me logo on a white background.

The Trevor Project Launches ‘Talk To Me’ Campaign

By pwsbuilder / September 4, 2012 / Comments Off on The Trevor Project Launches ‘Talk To Me’ Campaign

Via Huffington Post This September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time when we should all learn steps we can take to prevent the tragedy of suicide and take action to reduce risk for all people. During this month of awareness, I urge the LGBT community to take a stand and lead the fight to…

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A man in a blazer standing in a grassy area.

Will You Marry Me?

By pwsbuilder / August 31, 2012 / Comments Off on Will You Marry Me?

By Rev. Chuck Currie Summer is wedding season and while I’m not overwhelmed with wedding requests I’ve had a few and there is one that I’m really looking forward to in September. Weddings are, of course, special events. At their best, weddings bring not just two people together but families and even communities in a…

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A stained glass window in a church.

A Twenty Year Journey Of LGBT Ministry

By pwsbuilder / August 30, 2012 / Comments Off on A Twenty Year Journey Of LGBT Ministry

Quick to smile and slow to criticize, Rev. Jim Lucas is one of the last people you’d expect to stir up controversy and encourage what some would term “radical” change. Yet, he’s done just that, making our society more accepting in the process. This year Jim is celebrating his 20 years of ministry to the…

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Two speech bubbles on a beige background.

The San Fransisco 49ers Support LGBT Youth By Saying, “It Gets Better”

By pwsbuilder / August 30, 2012 / Comments Off on The San Fransisco 49ers Support LGBT Youth By Saying, “It Gets Better”

The San Francisco 49ers have become the first professional football team to join the online antibullying It Gets Better campaign intended to build confidence and spark optimism in gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youths. “Something you should never experience is being bullied, intimidated or being pressured to being a someone or something that you are…

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A church with a rainbow flag in front of it.

Offering Sanctuary in a Hostile Land

By pwsbuilder / August 29, 2012 / Comments Off on Offering Sanctuary in a Hostile Land

Community Story:

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Romney speaks to a crowd of people at a campaign event.

Faith And The 2012 Republican National Convention

By pwsbuilder / August 27, 2012 / Comments Off on Faith And The 2012 Republican National Convention

By Believe Out Loud The Republican National Convention kicks off in earnest Tuesday due to Tropical Storm Isaac nearing Tampa, Fla. Today, we’ll hear from many Republican leaders including House Speaker John Boehner, New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Ann Romney, wife of Governor Mitt Romney. While politics will play…

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A group of people standing in a church.

There’s Hope For LGBT Students At Conservative Christian Colleges

By pwsbuilder / August 27, 2012 / Comments Off on There’s Hope For LGBT Students At Conservative Christian Colleges

Via Huffington Post Over 500,000 students attend more than 150 conservative Christian colleges which discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. For many queer students on these campuses, going back to college in the coming weeks means going back into the closet. It also means returning to an environment where every official message concerning homosexuality,…

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