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Room For All Christian Camp 2012: LGBTQ Youth In Search Of God

By pwsbuilder / June 14, 2012 / Comments Off on Room For All Christian Camp 2012: LGBTQ Youth In Search Of God

By Marilyn Paarlberg, Executive Director, Room For All Room for All Christian Camp seeks to create a safe space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) youth to develop community and to contemplate together their questions about life and God. Room for All Christian Camp is a ministry of The Reformed Church of Highland Park, NJ…

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Country Music Star Supports Marriage Equality

By pwsbuilder / June 12, 2012 / Comments Off on Country Music Star Supports Marriage Equality

  In an interview with The Independent, Carrie Underwood, Country Music star, American Idol winner and Christian, has come out in favor of same-sex marriage. Underwood is a person of faith and her views about marriage equality come “because of her Christian values, rather than in spite of them.”  Underwood draws much of her fan…

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Black Leaders And Gay Advocates March In Step

By pwsbuilder / June 10, 2012 / Comments Off on Black Leaders And Gay Advocates March In Step

By Kate Taylor, New York Times For years, gay rights organizations and major civil rights organizations viewed each other warily. African-American leaders often saw the gay rights groups as insensitive to racial concerns, and some resented the movement’s use of civil rights language to make the case for same-sex marriage. Advocates for gay rights, in…

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Catholic Coalition Supports Theologian Criticized By Rome

By pwsbuilder / June 7, 2012 / Comments Off on Catholic Coalition Supports Theologian Criticized By Rome

Equally Blessed released the following statement in response to the criticism of Just Love, by Sister Margaret Farley, a Catholic theologian emeritus at Yale University, released today by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith:   “We are saddened, but not surprised that the Roman Catholic hierarchy has found fault with the valuable…

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CNN Poll: Majority Of Americans Support Marriage Equality

By pwsbuilder / June 6, 2012 / Comments Off on CNN Poll: Majority Of Americans Support Marriage Equality

A majority of Americans say they support legally recognizing same-sex marriage amid growing evidence that the public’s become more comfortable with gays and lesbians, according to a new national poll. Read the whole story at CNN _____________________ Image Flickr JoelnSouthernCA  

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Federal Appeals Court Refuses To Revisit Proposition 8

By pwsbuilder / June 6, 2012 / Comments Off on Federal Appeals Court Refuses To Revisit Proposition 8

  More Light Presbyterians gives thanks for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling refusing to consider a prior ruling that struck down Proposition 8. The ruling had found Proposition 8 unconstitutional because it denied LGBT couples the right to marry. The case is expected to be appealed to the United States Supreme Court. From…

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Hundreds Of Iowa Methodists Protest Church Stand On Gays

By pwsbuilder / June 5, 2012 / Comments Off on Hundreds Of Iowa Methodists Protest Church Stand On Gays

By Todd Erzen, Des Moines Register Hundreds of Iowa Methodists signed protest documents at their annual conference Sunday declaring they are prepared to buck the leadership of their church on matters concerning gays and gay marriage. A group called Do No Harm Iowa has gathered as many as 500 signatures — including those of about 70…

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A group of people holding signs in a parade.

300+ Mormons March In Salt Lake City Gay Pride Parade

By pwsbuilder / June 4, 2012 / Comments Off on 300+ Mormons March In Salt Lake City Gay Pride Parade

By Julia Lyon, The Salt Lake Tribune Before the drag queens in heels danced across Main Street, more than 300 members of the LDS Church left Utah Gay Pride Parade spectators in tears Sunday morning. One Mormon father turned to the crowd and thanked people for forgiving him. The group, Mormons Building Bridges, said they…

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President Obama Celebrates Pride Month

By pwsbuilder / June 4, 2012 / Comments Off on President Obama Celebrates Pride Month

  June is LGBT Pride Month around the country and in many countries around the world. President Barack Obama highlights the unsung heroes of the LGBT community in this video message from The White House.      Learn more about More Light Presbyterians            <object width=”480″ height=”300″><param name=”movie” value=””></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><param name=”bgcolor” value=”282828″></param><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”></param><param name=”flashvars” value=”config=”></param><embed…

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Defense Of Marriage Act Ruled Unconstitutional

By pwsbuilder / June 1, 2012 / Comments Off on Defense Of Marriage Act Ruled Unconstitutional

  In what could be a landmark ruling, the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston ruled today that key pieces of the Defense of Marriage Act violate the constitution. In a unanimous decision, the three judges of the appeals court ruled that the 1996 law defining marriage as a union between a man…

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