
A group of people standing around a table.

Words of Encouragement for LGBTQ United Methodists & Allies

By pwsbuilder / May 9, 2017 / Comments Off on Words of Encouragement for LGBTQ United Methodists & Allies

“Do not get weary little children. God is not done with us, yet. So keep praying, stay focused and keep the main thing the main thing.” These words were written by Rev. James E. Swanson, Bishop of the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church, in response to the Judicial Council’s recent ruling to rescind…

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A rocking chair on a porch.

Power For & By LGBTQ People Of Faith

By pwsbuilder / May 5, 2017 /

When I was a kid my grandmother would rock back and forth on her green metallic rocking chair singing old Spirituals like, “We shall overcome, someday.” I still remember her tears. My grandmother, big and yellow, a proud Christian, guarded our South Dallas porch singing songs like, “I’m a solider in the Army of the…

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A man wearing a red hat with the words make america great again.

How Do We “Love Those Who Persecute Us?”

By pwsbuilder / March 30, 2017 /

As my boyfriend Chris and I were walking down the stairs to the subway train platform to head to Sunday morning service at Riverside Church, I spotted it. That unmistakable fire engine red, poorly designed, ill-fitting cap that has become an emblem for all things sexist, racist, xenophobic, and anti-Muslim. We were still a ways…

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A group of people holding signs with the words people of faith for resistance.

A Response to Rev. Dr. David Gushee’s “Ethical Analysis of the ‘New Sanctuary Movement’”

By pwsbuilder / March 23, 2017 /

Hearing Rev. Dr. David P. Gushee speak at The Reformation Project’s 2014 National Conference remains one of the more powerful experiences I have had in my time with our organization. I, a Venezuelan immigrant, sat in the front pew as he spoke a convicting and prophetic word. This word made me weep for my adoptive…

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A black and white photo of a stethoscope on a wall.

When Christian Compassion Doesn’t Apply to Transgender People

By pwsbuilder / March 17, 2017 / Comments Off on When Christian Compassion Doesn’t Apply to Transgender People

During the holidays, I noticed a Franciscan Health commercial with the hashtag #FranciscanPeacePrayer. This beautiful prayer, attributed to St. Francis in the 13th century, was repeated during the commercial. The visuals in the ad showed smiling people helping each other and showing love.  Here is a link if you want to check it out. I…

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A group of people posing in front of a circle of butterflies.

Protest Altar Sets Up Inside Conservative Christian Conference

By pwsbuilder / February 27, 2017 / Comments Off on Protest Altar Sets Up Inside Conservative Christian Conference

Orlando, FL, February 27, 2017—Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) direct action group Soulforce is heading to the host hotel of a major conservative Christian communications conference, the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Proclaim 2017, and neither the hotel nor the event organizers happy about it. The NRB is a global leader in conservative…

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A man is holding his hand up in front of a dark background.

Milo Yiannopoulos’ Trash Talking Tanks

By pwsbuilder / February 22, 2017 / Comments Off on Milo Yiannopoulos’ Trash Talking Tanks

Trigger Warning: discussions of pedophilia and child abuse  For Milo Yiannopoulos—vulgarian, alt-right’s telegenic token gay and Breitbart’s polemical senior editor—his last appearance on a national stage may have finally come. And, the bridge too far for even his audience wasn’t Yiannopoulos’s misogyny, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or homophobia, to name a few, but rather his…

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A painting of a woman holding a heart.

Painting Sojourner Truth

By pwsbuilder / February 10, 2017 / Comments Off on Painting Sojourner Truth

I’ve long held that feminism, in order to be true and engaged and practical, must be intersectional. Such is also the case, I believe, for LGBTQ rights. The work of justice for queer people must also include justice for other marginalized groups. Because many LGBTQ people are also women, people of color, people with disabilities,…

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A person takes a picture of an american flag in front of a crowd.

When Politics Gets Personal

By pwsbuilder / December 6, 2016 / Comments Off on When Politics Gets Personal

Ever since November 9, I have been a in a state of disbelief, not because of the electorate’s decision to select the Republican Party’s candidate, as the President elect, but at the events that have occurred since. There have been a spike in hate crimes, even more divisive rhetoric being spoke and unfortunately there is…

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This christian votes for lgbtq justice.

Transgender Awareness Is Not Enough

By pwsbuilder / November 15, 2016 /

I am sick of Transgender Awareness. November is a month that has become riddled with our religious allies checking off the box for transgender “issues”—often with a special service that turns the death of transgender women of color into a sort of morbid pageant. It is an annual performance of care and concern that seems…

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