
This christian votes for lgbtq justice.

Christians Vote For LGBTQI Justice

By pwsbuilder / November 2, 2016 / Comments Off on Christians Vote For LGBTQI Justice

Yesterday, we launched a #ChristiansVote campaign to transform the narrative about Christian voters. Join us to proclaim loud and clear that we are Christians called to justice!  ADD YOUR NAME: This Christian Votes for Justice About two years ago, I got a message on Facebook from my cousin in Tennessee. I had never talked with him…

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A silhouette of a man's head.

Breaking The Curse Narrative

By pwsbuilder / August 11, 2016 / Comments Off on Breaking The Curse Narrative

Recently, two people–one queer and neurotypical, and one straight and mentally ill–confided similarly troubling worries to me. The first told me his mother had disowned him because he is gay, and, as he said, “to her that meant rejection of, and rejection by, God.”  The second said her extended family was no longer talking to…

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A woman in glasses looking at a blue stained glass window.

Executive Order 50: The Battle Between Two New York Dioceses Over Gay Rights

By pwsbuilder / July 29, 2016 / Comments Off on Executive Order 50: The Battle Between Two New York Dioceses Over Gay Rights

New York City is divided up into two dioceses: the Archdiocese of New York covers three city boroughs–Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island–and seven upstate counties, while the Brooklyn Diocese covers the city’s other two boroughs–Brooklyn and Queens. In the early 1980’s these two dioceses were headed by bishops of very different temperaments. Archbishop John…

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A drawing with the words too worthy on it.

The Difficulty Of Self Care

By pwsbuilder / July 22, 2016 / Comments Off on The Difficulty Of Self Care

Each morning, the first time I rise the sky is still inky blue and outside still smells like night time. I brush my teeth and sit in my meditation corner. I pray in love for peace and preparation. I ask our Creator that if lives must be sacrificed for change, that this change is forever…

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A rosary hanging from a window.

Sr. Jeannine Gramick Decries Catholic Silence After Orlando Massacre

By pwsbuilder / July 13, 2016 / Comments Off on Sr. Jeannine Gramick Decries Catholic Silence After Orlando Massacre

49 people were murdered one month ago at Pulse, a LGBT nightclub in Orlando, and 53 more were wounded. These victims, constituting the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, have stirred conversations about anti-LGBT prejudice and violence and prompted many Catholics to memorialize the victims. Sr. Jeannine Gramick, Co-Founder of New Ways Ministry, says…

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A group of people clapping in front of a building.

Why This Pastor Testified Against Minnesota’s “Bathroom Bill”

By pwsbuilder / April 29, 2016 /

Earlier this month, I testified in a hearing before a Minnesota House Committee on HF3396, a misguided piece of discriminatory legislation that would restrict bathroom access for trans and gender nonconforming people on the basis of “biological sex.” In that committee, I shared my experiences as a pastor, a gay man, and the son of…

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A close up of moss covered branches in a forest.

The Source Of My Hope For The United Methodist Church

By pwsbuilder / April 28, 2016 /

As a young queer and trans person seeking ordination in The United Methodist Church, I am incredibly blessed to have a wealth of role models to look to as I imagine the type of minister I hope to become. This may seem a strange thing to say in a denomination that has written discrimination against…

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A priest in a red and maroon robe is giving a sermon.

At Brentwood Cathedral, Year of Mercy Mass Strives to Welcome LGBT People

By pwsbuilder / April 26, 2016 / Comments Off on At Brentwood Cathedral, Year of Mercy Mass Strives to Welcome LGBT People

During Lent in England’s Diocese of Brentwood, the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Helen scheduled a Mass for the LGBT community, in honor of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. While the Dean of the Cathedral, Fr. Martin Boland, presided at the liturgy, the homily, based on the story of the woman caught in adultery…

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Believe out loud logo.

Christians Join Protests Of North Carolina’s House Bill 2

By pwsbuilder / April 25, 2016 / Comments Off on Christians Join Protests Of North Carolina’s House Bill 2

Contact: James Rowe Director, Believe Out Loud Email James 646-723-7826 Christians Join Protests Of North Carolina’s House Bill 2 Believe Out Loud Delivers Signatures From 2,111 LGBTQ-Affirming Christians Against HB2 New York, NY—Believe Out Loud delivered signatures this morning from 2,111 Christians demanding that North Carolina lawmakers repeal House Bill 2, a transphobic law that…

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A man standing at a podium in front of an american flag.

Governor McCrory Should Look To Georgia On LGBT Rights

By pwsbuilder / April 22, 2016 / Comments Off on Governor McCrory Should Look To Georgia On LGBT Rights

ADD YOUR NAME: Tell North Carolina Lawmakers To Repeal HB2 From a distance, Gov. Nathan Deal and Gov. Pat McCrory appear to be similar. Both are conservative governors of Southern states where religion plays a strong role in public and private lives. They both live and govern during times of rapid change, particularly with the…

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