
The interior of a church with red pews and an ornate ceiling.

Let’s Make Church Better, Now

By pwsbuilder / July 16, 2014 / Comments Off on Let’s Make Church Better, Now

At a time where the Catholic Church is under much scrutiny due to scandal, abuses of power, and upholding teachings that fracture rather then unite, this short video of Father Donal Godfrey has rekindled my faith that all will be well within the tradition I was raised in. Many have asked me if Pope Francis’…

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A bouquet of orange roses is in someone's hand.

In Honor of Our Lost LGBTQ Children

By pwsbuilder / July 15, 2014 / Comments Off on In Honor of Our Lost LGBTQ Children

Ryan Robertson died five years ago this week. In his honor, friends and I have chosen an orange icon on Facebook as it was Ryan’s favorite color. We also honor all the LGBTQ people who have died from rejection, bullying, and ill-fated “therapy”—marginalization, in all its forms. Ryan is one of many LGBTQ men and women who was pushed…

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A man is walking through the sand dunes at sunset.

10 Anti-LGBT Things You Can’t Do While Following Jesus

By pwsbuilder / July 14, 2014 /

As I say in all of my “10 Things You Can’t Do While Following Jesus” articles, this is by no means meant to be a complete list, but it’s a decent place to start. Also, this is not to say that people are unable to do these things when they are following Jesus, as much…

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A barbed wire fence with a city skyline in the background.

How Employment Discrimination Affects My Life

By pwsbuilder / July 10, 2014 /

One of the great joys in my life as executive director of Integrity USA, the national Episcopal LGBTQ organization, is being contacted by transgender and gay people looking for help in meeting their needs. I am always thrilled when I can connect people to new friends, educational materials, or welcoming faith communities. Unfortunately, there’s one…

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A man in a blue shirt is smiling at a microphone.

“Sorry” Seems To Be The Easiest Word

By pwsbuilder / June 12, 2014 / Comments Off on “Sorry” Seems To Be The Easiest Word

I live under a pop-culture rock, and it is only because of his inner-orbit position on the Six Degrees of Channing Tatum that I even know Jonah Hill’s name. But his recent run-in with a paparazzo, culminating in him angrily calling the man a derogatory term for a gay man and commanding him to perform…

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An american flag painted on the side of a brick wall.

Love Without Condition

By pwsbuilder / May 27, 2014 / Comments Off on Love Without Condition

I want to invite you to take a walk down imagination alley with me for a minute. You’re trying on shirts for a friend’s party when one, in particular, catches your eye. You pick it up, read the tag, and immediately throw it back into the pile. The moment you realize it is made of…

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A woman sitting on a wooden bench in a church.

“Room for Me?” Spotlights LGBTQ Christians In The Reformed Church In America

By pwsbuilder / May 23, 2014 /

I see God alive as the church continues to widen our embrace for all people, especially for LGBTQ people of God. God is moving, I have no doubt of this. In the denomination in which I’m ordained, the Reformed Church in America (RCA), I see more churches choosing to follow the way of Jesus and…

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An image of a graveyard with a rainbow in the sky.

Seeing With The Eyes Of The Soul

By pwsbuilder / April 28, 2014 /

Picture the scene as Mary Magdalene weeps outside the tomb of Jesus. She’d already witnessed her Lord and friend murdered days earlier, nails hammered hard through his hands and feet, his body dying before her. And this morning she’s up early to clean and anoint him, but he isn’t here! His body’s missing! “They’ve taken…

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The chicago river is dyed green for st patrick's day.

Banned: A Prayer For St. Patrick’s Day

By pwsbuilder / March 17, 2014 / Comments Off on Banned: A Prayer For St. Patrick’s Day

By now many of you will have heard that the organizers of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Boston and New York have banned LGBTQ folks from marching “openly” in the event. I’m not sure if this would please Patrick one bit. When he brought the Irish nation to Christ, I do not remember any reference…

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A man in a suit is being escorted by police.

Sochi Olympics: Spiritual Art Supports Russia’s LGBT Rights Struggle

By pwsbuilder / February 7, 2014 / Comments Off on Sochi Olympics: Spiritual Art Supports Russia’s LGBT Rights Struggle

Image Detail: “De Profundis” by Tony O’Connell Artists are using spiritual imagery to draw attention to LGBT rights in Russia as the Olympics begins in Sochi today. The holiness of the Russian struggle for LGBT equality is emphasized in two new artworks. These pieces are “De Profundis” by queer British artist Tony O’Connell and “Postcard to Putin”…

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