
A woman wearing glasses and a red top is standing in front of a building.

Disciples Of Christ Resolve To Welcome All In General Assembly

By pwsbuilder / July 22, 2013 /

After the 2013 Disciples of Christ General Assembly, the church has released a resolution stating that the church is committed to welcoming all to their congregations. Titled “Becoming a People of Grace and Welcome to All,” resolution GA-1327 states that Disciples of Christ, “a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world,” has been called to…

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A brick church with a steeple and trees.

Hope Church Makes Room For All

By pwsbuilder / July 18, 2013 / Comments Off on Hope Church Makes Room For All

Reverend Gordon Wiersma has been a pastor at Hope Church, a Reformed Church in America (RCA) congregation in Holland, MI, since 1999. Earlier this year, Hope Church made the decision to become a Room For All Church. Room For All is a non-profit organization advocating for the full participation of LGBT persons in the life…

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A woman sits on the edge of a lake looking at the water.

Always The Stranger: Being Out And Bi

By pwsbuilder / July 18, 2013 /

I’ve been out as bisexual to myself and my world for about fifteen years, acknowledging that I am able to love both men and women. One of the things I have learned through these years is that being out as bi tends to make me a stranger across the spectrum of sexual orientation. I become…

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A silhouette of a man in front of a window.

Encountering Psychosis: Mental Health, Religiosity & Queer Identity

By pwsbuilder / July 16, 2013 /

Trigger Warning: Depictions of violence and self-harm In April 2012, while working as a Chaplain Resident at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA, I was startled by the information presented at the interdisciplinary team meeting on my surgery unit. It was reported by the social worker that Joseph Christian (name changed due to matters of…

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A black and white photo of a child praying.

Striving For Perfection

By pwsbuilder / July 15, 2013 / Comments Off on Striving For Perfection

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) Easy for Jesus to say! But as a fundamentalist Christian kid, I believed this was my goal. It made perfect sense to me. Except there was one area of my life in which I would never be “perfect”: I had these feelings for other…

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A purple butterfly sits on a window sill in the rain.

Devotion Through Dysphoria

By pwsbuilder / July 12, 2013 /

Back in the middle school years, I used to worry that I didn’t look or act like everyone else. I spent a ton of time in front of the mirror trying to learn to change my face with makeup, and even though my personality didn’t suit it, I spent lots of my parent’s money on…

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A speech bubble with the words i'm not a bully by person.

My God Is Not A Bully

By pwsbuilder / July 10, 2013 /

The project began in 2011 at a meeting in Tucson, where the national Coordinating Team of the Church Within A Church Movement (CWACM) brainstormed for ways to share the message that God is Love, not hate.  After launching at the Church Within A Church Movement’s 10th anniversary celebration, the video legacy project became a reality during Pride…

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A bible with a passage about the plot against jesus.

Supporting ENDA: Because The Bible Tells Me So

By pwsbuilder / July 10, 2013 / Comments Off on Supporting ENDA: Because The Bible Tells Me So

The Bible is clear about God’s insistence on compassion and justice, so it makes sense that Bible-believing people of faith would support measures—like the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)—that seek to end injustice in the workplace. In fact, the Bible has a great deal to say about economic justice and includes almost nothing about sexuality and gender…

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The shadow of a bicycle on a brick sidewalk.

Uncovering Pride: Exposing The Shadow Of My Shame

By pwsbuilder / July 9, 2013 /

By the time I was 10 years old, I knew there was something wrong with me. I had no idea what it was exactly, but it was there. Perhaps because I felt defective, I had a strong inclination to hide, cover up, and use deliberate caution in any situation.  Even though I liked to be…

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A woman sitting on a couch with a young boy.

Searching God’s Guidance: How Will We Cope With Diversity?

By pwsbuilder / July 8, 2013 / Comments Off on Searching God’s Guidance: How Will We Cope With Diversity?

In 2010, the U.S. Census showed that the non-Hispanic white population is growing at the slowest rate; it added that the Hispanic and Asian populations have grown considerably. In addition, we have seen remarkable shifts in public opinion to accept LGBT people over the past decade.  What do these changes mean for America and our…

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