
Black and white photo of two people holding hands.

Friends Without Benefits

By pwsbuilder / April 25, 2013 /

“It is not good for man to be alone.” Genesis 2:18 For those who strive to rebut charges of anti-gay discrimination by underscoring their love of sinners, friendship has become an important rhetorical device. The National Organization for Marriage’s Jennifer Roback Morse said of a hypothetical gay man or woman, ”What I would hope for…

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A golden cross on top of a building.

Catholic School Teacher Outed In Mother’s Obituary and Fired, Students Rally Support

By pwsbuilder / April 23, 2013 / Comments Off on Catholic School Teacher Outed In Mother’s Obituary and Fired, Students Rally Support

Carla Hale was fired from her job as a physical education teacher at Bishop Watterson High School, a private Catholic school in Columbus, Ohio for being gay. She was not out to her students, but when her mother died, her partner, Julie, was listed as her spouse in the obituary. That was enough to have her…

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Two women posing for a photo in a hotel room.

Same-Sex Couple To Wed At Methodist Convocation

By pwsbuilder / April 23, 2013 / Comments Off on Same-Sex Couple To Wed At Methodist Convocation

They met while in seminary. “Seeing her was the first time in my life I was taken aback by someone’s presence. I instantly thought who is this woman,” said Mary Ann Kaiser. That was the beginning of a love story between Mary Ann and Annanda—a journey that is leading them to the wedding aisle at Reconciling Ministries…

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A man in a suit holding a piece of paper.

Gay Man Rebuffed By Bishop Launches Petition For Dinner and Dialog With Roman Catholic Hierarchy

By pwsbuilder / April 22, 2013 / Comments Off on Gay Man Rebuffed By Bishop Launches Petition For Dinner and Dialog With Roman Catholic Hierarchy

Nicholas Coppola, the Catholic man stripped of all volunteer duties after he married his husband, has launched a Change.org petition, inviting Cardinal Timothy Dolan to dinner and conversation about the relationship between the Roman Catholic hierarchy and LGBT people. Nicholas launched the Change.org petition after delivering over 18,000 signatures collected through Faithful America to the Diocese of Rockville Center,…

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A black man praying in front of a microphone.

Called To Faith & Compassion

By pwsbuilder / April 22, 2013 / Comments Off on Called To Faith & Compassion

Faith is a journey that reveals the new and unexpected everyday. That’s a core belief we have at Believe Out Loud. We challenge ourselves, and others, to walk a mile in the shoes of those around us in an attempt to grow and strengthen our common humanity. That’s why we’re committed to working with Christians…

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A nun is holding a flag in front of a boy.

Why Can’t This Mister Be A Sister?

By pwsbuilder / April 18, 2013 /

My relationship with the Catholic Church has been a tricky one, to say the least. It has been joyous, uplifting and sometimes even humorous. It has also been intimidating, unwelcoming and downright scary. But through it all, being Catholic has always meant something very special to me. Yet when I came out thirty years ago,…

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A cross is in the middle of a field with a sunset behind it.

My Coming Out Was An Easter Experience

By pwsbuilder / April 17, 2013 /

It is always a joy to emerge from the forty days of Lent with its emotional climax of Holy Week into the light and life of Easter. During Eastertide, my heart lifts with every greeting and response of “Christ is risen—He is risen indeed!” As I have rested this year in the promise of new…

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Two wedding rings on a table next to red flowers.

Expanding Christian Covenant

By pwsbuilder / April 16, 2013 /

There are two possible narratives Christians can embrace related to the contemporary demand of gays and lesbians for social and legal recognition of their committed relationships: a narrative of moral decline, or a narrative of moral commitment. Most traditionalist Christians believe a narrative of moral decline; I believe a narrative of moral commitment. Or at…

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An open bible on a table in front of a stone wall.

Taking Scripture In Stride

By pwsbuilder / April 15, 2013 /

Our family recently moved back to my home town in upstate New York. After the long, exhausting and tedious process of unpacking, we discovered a few items that we could part with, so I placed an ad in one of our local papers. A few days passed when I received an email asking if we…

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A woman holds up a sign that says god is gay.

A Different Kind Of Baptist: Countering Westboro Baptist Church

By pwsbuilder / April 12, 2013 /

Two weeks ago, I stood face-to-face with Westboro Baptist Church outside the Supreme Court. I was one of many Christians attending the rally for marriage equality who gathered nearby to counter their offensive rhetoric. Some stood for hours to shield LGBTQ people and their allies from Westboro’s comically hateful version of God. With rainbow banners and…

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