
Michelle Shocked & Rob Bell Illuminate The Evangelical Divide

By pwsbuilder / March 20, 2013 / Comments Off on Michelle Shocked & Rob Bell Illuminate The Evangelical Divide

As reported by GLAAD and other online outlets, evangelical minister, author, and speaker Rob Bell made clear his support for marriage equality last weekend during a speech at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. “I am for marriage. I am for fidelity,” he said. “I am for love, whether it’s a man and woman, a woman…

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My Faith Taught Me To Love

By pwsbuilder / March 20, 2013 /

It was an ordinary morning, except my partner was the one still lazing about in bed rather than me. I intended to wake her with a kiss and a cup of tea but I was suddenly stopped short. I stood fixed in the bedroom doorway watching her sleep when it struck me: I love her. This was…

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What The Bahati Bill Can Teach Us About The Health Of Our Own Souls

By pwsbuilder / March 19, 2013 / Comments Off on What The Bahati Bill Can Teach Us About The Health Of Our Own Souls

Recently, I have been surprised by separate disclosures of two socially gracious, educated, professional American lesbians—both under the age of 35—that despite their intentions to live open and active gay lives they still wrestle with the fear that eternal punishment in hell may be the result. Neither are particularly religious at the current time, and…

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What Is The Cross of Our Time?

By pwsbuilder / March 14, 2013 /

When I was about ten years old, my mother (who happened to be the Sunday school teacher at my church) bought me my first Bible and a shiny silver crucifix. The maroon Bible still sits on my bookshelf, having survived nearly two decades of my life, but I only have a memory of the beautiful…

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Could Pope Francis Be The Gay Community’s Greatest Hope?

By pwsbuilder / March 14, 2013 /

As Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio made his way to the balcony overlooking St. Peter’s Square, I felt a sense of unease. With full knowledge of Bergoglio’s past comments regarding gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) people, I was truly concerned about what his papacy may mean for me and the future of the Church. However,…

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A group of people sitting on a beach with a camera.

The Making of “Seventh-Gay Adventists”

By pwsbuilder / March 13, 2013 /

I was eight months pregnant with our daughter in November of 2008, and my husband and I were wondering if she was going to grow up to be a sixth-generation Adventist. Could we raise her in a church that marginalized our good friends? The answer was no, so the next step was wondering if we…

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A screen shot of the unfriend button on a computer.

Facebook Friends: Conversations With The Past

By pwsbuilder / March 12, 2013 /

This morning, I awoke to a disturbing message on Facebook from one of my college roommates. “You are wrong. The Bible in no way supports your life. I cannot support nor ignore this decision while you claim to be a Christian. I am going to un-friend you,” it said. Her feelings about my life choices…

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A man and woman pose for a photo with their two young sons.

4 Reasons This Christian Family Supports Marriage Equality

By pwsbuilder / March 11, 2013 /

Join Holli and her family by sharing your own photo to support marriage equality. Post your photo directly to our facebook wall, or submit your photo via email to [email protected] Many of the arguments over same-sex marriage and homosexuality center on religion. As a religious person who also believes in equality regardless of sexual orientation,…

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A group of people standing in front of a bus that says nuns on the bus.

What The Next Pope Can Learn From A Nun On The Bus

By pwsbuilder / March 6, 2013 / Comments Off on What The Next Pope Can Learn From A Nun On The Bus

If he was hoping to make a quiet exit, Pope Benedict (now officially pope emeritus), has left his successor a Roman Catholic Church in chaos. The findings of the so-called Vatileaks scandal, delivered to the Pope in a December 17 dossier, reveal the depths of controversy and corruption throughout the Vatican. Not only will the…

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A watercolor painting of jesus carrying the cross.

Artist Statement: LGBT Stations Of The Cross

By pwsbuilder / March 5, 2013 /

Mary Button is the creator of the Stations of the Cross: The Struggle for LGBT Equality. Congregations and faith groups are encouraged to use these stations during the Lenten season for prayer and reflection. Download the entire series from Believe Out Loud’s flickr site. I was born and raised in the church. As the daughter of…

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