
Lit candles on a circular table in a church.

Catholic Reflection on World AIDS Day

By pwsbuilder / December 4, 2012 / Comments Off on Catholic Reflection on World AIDS Day

These remarks were originally prepared and presented as a keynote address for the World AIDS Day service on December 1, 2012 at St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn, NY. Thank you, Fr. Tom for your thoughtful introduction, and a special thank you to the The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Straight Ministry of St.…

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Anna cruz women's choir logo.

Anna Crusis Women’s Choir Presents Simply Love: A Marriage Equality Event

By pwsbuilder / November 27, 2012 /

For almost four decades the Anna Crusis Women’s Choir has been recognized as both an agent of social change and a premier performing arts group in the greater Philadelphia region.  At its inception in the early 70’s the primary objective of the choir was to provide a safe haven for both gay and straight women…

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A group of people waving rainbow flags in front of a building.

Trans 101 for Faith Communities

By pwsbuilder / November 15, 2012 /

November 20th marks the 14th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). This event has grown from a candlelight vigil held in Alston, MA following the murder of local transsexual rocker Rita Hester in 1998 to a global phenomenon. As reported by Transgender Europe, 265 people were killed over this past year as a direct result…

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A group of candles are lit in the dark.

Honor The Transgender Day Of Remembrance

By pwsbuilder / November 14, 2012 / Comments Off on Honor The Transgender Day Of Remembrance

Every year at the end of November, communities across the globe come together to commemorate the International Transgender Day of Remembrance—a day dedicated to honoring trans* people who have lost their lives to acts of violence over the past year. You can click here to find a TDOR event in your area. This year, Standing…

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A silhouette of a man and a child in front of a stained glass window.

Voters Exercise Liberty of Conscience at the Polls

By pwsbuilder / November 8, 2012 / Comments Off on Voters Exercise Liberty of Conscience at the Polls

Over at Religion Dispatches, Senior Editor Sarah Posner suggests a religious realignment is underway with white religious conservative representing a coalition in decline, while President Obama has a more diverse one, made up of various religious and non-religious voters, whites, blacks, and Latinos. For example, as Billy Graham celebrated his 94th birthday the day after…

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Alexander nicholson on fox news.

Reflections on the Repeal of DADT: Interview with Alexander Nicholson

By pwsbuilder / November 5, 2012 / Comments Off on Reflections on the Repeal of DADT: Interview with Alexander Nicholson

In his book Fighting to Serve (Chicago Review Press, October 2012, Alexander Nicholson a former U.S. Army Human Intelligence Collector, brings to this story his unique experience as the named plaintiff on the lawsuit that got DADT declared unconstitutional. He holds the distinction of being the only individual personally involved in every single front of…

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An image of a church with a cross in the window.

Roger Williams goes Baptist on legendary evangelist Billy Graham

By pwsbuilder / November 5, 2012 / Comments Off on Roger Williams goes Baptist on legendary evangelist Billy Graham

Since Billy Graham stepped into the political arena, the man dubbed as America’s pastor kept good on his promise to “do all he can” to help Republical presidential nominee Mitt Romney. For starters, his son, Franklin Graham, who questioned if Romney and Obama were Christians in February 2012 announced that evangelicals can now vote for…

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A man in a suit is holding a book.

Pastor Stands Up for LGBT Equality…Really…Just Keep Watching

By pwsbuilder / October 24, 2012 /

Pastor stands up for LGBT equality in brilliant viral video

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A person holding up a sign that says stay present.

How People Of Faith Can Support Marriage Equality This Fall

By pwsbuilder / October 22, 2012 / Comments Off on How People Of Faith Can Support Marriage Equality This Fall

This November, marriage is on the ballot in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington. And it’s a big deal – if a majority of voters in any of the four states vote to support the freedom to marry for same-sex couples, we’ll make history by securing our first-ever marriage win at the ballot box. It’s potentially…

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A car with a rainbow flag sticker on the back window.

Stickers Someday

By pwsbuilder / October 22, 2012 /

I was sitting in that red swivel chair I had in my office when I heard her knock. Her knuckles trampolined against the glass pane that was next to my door, and sent bullets of sound ricocheting off pictures, and books, and the potted plant my boss had given me on my first day, which…

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