
A photo of a church with trees in the background.

Naked Before God: A Sermon

By pwsbuilder / October 16, 2012 / Comments Off on Naked Before God: A Sermon

When I first read the lectionary readings for today, several weeks ago, a theme jumped out at me, which became the title for this sermon. Please, be comfortable, we are all going to keep our clothes on here. But I saw this Gospel passage in a new way, when I read it in company with…

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A dark sky with clouds over a lake.

There Is No Power But God, A Prayer

By pwsbuilder / October 16, 2012 / Comments Off on There Is No Power But God, A Prayer

Receive these words and believe them for they are true… God is the only power in my life. Nothing from without can touch the perfect Life of God within. No past experience has power over me. I am a perfect child of God and nothing that anyone has ever done or said can interfere with…

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A group of people sitting at tables in a yard with a bouncy castle.

Minister Who Helps LGBT Community Now Needs Our Help

By pwsbuilder / October 5, 2012 / Comments Off on Minister Who Helps LGBT Community Now Needs Our Help

North Carolina Church Needs Your Help

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Two men sitting in a chair talking to each other.

Bishop Gene Robinson On Media Matters Radio

By pwsbuilder / October 4, 2012 / Comments Off on Bishop Gene Robinson On Media Matters Radio

On Friday, September 29, Bishop Gene Robinson went on Media Matters Radio to discuss the National Organization for Marriage’s continued opposition to LGBT equality and their use of religion, particularly against marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples. Robinson made headlines in 2003 when he became the first openly gay man to be elected to…

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The interior of a church with stained glass windows.

Will Your Catholic Parish Live The Gospel Message Of Inclusion On October 14?

By pwsbuilder / October 4, 2012 / Comments Off on Will Your Catholic Parish Live The Gospel Message Of Inclusion On October 14?

On Sunday, October 14, will your Catholic parish live the Gospel message of inclusion? This October, cities across the globe, professional sports leagues, major corporations, schools and hundreds of community organizations will raise awareness about the negative impact of bullying by participating in Spirit Day. This annual day is organized by GLAAD to remind lesbian,…

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A person signing a document with a pen.

Thank You Governor Brown For Protecting LGBT Youth

By pwsbuilder / October 2, 2012 / Comments Off on Thank You Governor Brown For Protecting LGBT Youth

Governor Jerry Brown made U.S. history by signing into California law the first ever ban on LGBT ‘conversion’ therapy. As reported in The Daily News, “effective Jan. 1, mental health practitioners are prohibited from performing sexual orientation change efforts—known as reparative or conversion therapy—for anyone under 18.” These practices devastate the lives of many LGBT…

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Two rings with the word equal on them.

A Lutheran Pastor’s Thoughts On Inclusivity In The Faith Community

By pwsbuilder / September 28, 2012 / Comments Off on A Lutheran Pastor’s Thoughts On Inclusivity In The Faith Community

“It’s about relationship,” I say to the people in our small Lutheran congregation.  “Authentic faith is grounded in, springs from, and blossoms into relationship.  Relationship that has a particular shape to it….this shape,” I say, making the sign of the cross.  “Relationship that is first and foremost a deep engagement with others, represented in this…

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Two speech bubbles on a beige background.

Let Mainers Know Why Marriage Matters To You

By pwsbuilder / September 20, 2012 / Comments Off on Let Mainers Know Why Marriage Matters To You

This November, Mainers will head to the polls to vote on the freedom to marry. The way to win this historic campaign and win marriage for all Maine families is to share stories of why marriage matters to same-sex couples and their families. We need you, our supporters, to share your stories. One of the…

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Two speech bubbles on a beige background.

Finding Manna in the Wilderness

By pwsbuilder / September 13, 2012 / Comments Off on Finding Manna in the Wilderness

All are welcomed and affirmed as beautiful and wholly Holy.

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Three men sitting around a table in a living room.

Dan Savage And Brian Brown Debate The Bible And Same-Sex Marriage

By pwsbuilder / September 11, 2012 / Comments Off on Dan Savage And Brian Brown Debate The Bible And Same-Sex Marriage

Dan Savage And the President Of NOM Debate The Bible And Same-Sex Marriage

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