
A blurred image of many colorful hearts.

Remembering the Lovings this Valentine’s Day

By pwsbuilder / February 12, 2015 /

On this upcoming Valentine’s Day, I am reminded of no greater challenge to marriage equality than same-sex marriage that many LGBTQ activists are still struggling for in their states. However, the precedent for same-sex marriage was set by an African American woman named Mildred Loving (1942-2008) who I am honoring as one of my sheroes for Black History…

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A black and white photo of a group of people holding signs.

“Selma” Makes a New Generation of LGBTQ Activists Stand Up

By pwsbuilder / January 28, 2015 / Comments Off on “Selma” Makes a New Generation of LGBTQ Activists Stand Up

If Bayard Rustin were alive today he certainly would have been proud as Boston’s LGBTQ communities held discussions on the film Selma. Flashback Sunday, a social group for LGBTQ Elders of Color and their friends, and the Hispanic Black Gay Coalition (HBGC) convened “an honest and open dialogue” between intergenerational LGBTQ activists. Folks who were…

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A fountain pen is sitting on top of a piece of paper.

An Open Letter to Pastor Ray Chavez of New Hope Ministries

By pwsbuilder / January 22, 2015 / Comments Off on An Open Letter to Pastor Ray Chavez of New Hope Ministries

Pastor Chavez, I’m sure you have received your fair share of letters over the past week or so. Some of them “hate mail,” others, letters staunchly supporting your decision. This letter falls under neither category. Going to any kind of extreme would only alienate you from its simple message. Vanessa Collier was a human being,…

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Two black women hugging each other in front of a brick wall.

Sexuality & Faith: A New Course for Religious Leaders

By pwsbuilder / January 21, 2015 / Comments Off on Sexuality & Faith: A New Course for Religious Leaders

The intersection of faith and sexuality is one that is often traveled with misconceptions and anxiety because the Church has mostly failed to offer thoughtful, helpful information and education. The Church has been more of a hindrance than a help when it comes to the affirmation of our creation as God’s children of flesh and…

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Ariana grande performs on stage at the american music awards.

Ariana Grande Is (Another) Wake Up Call For Faith Leaders

By pwsbuilder / October 28, 2014 /

Dear religious leaders: When you tell people that God doesn’t love them as they are, they believe you. And then they act accordingly. Namely, leaving your faith community. In an interview with The Telegraph, pop superstar Ariana Grande shared that she left the Roman Catholic Church after her gay brother shared with her that God didn’t love…

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A candle is lit in front of a cross.

My “Dark Night Of The Soul”

By pwsbuilder / September 29, 2014 /

Reading Walter Brueggemann’s contrasting of Psalms 73 and 139 in an essay entitled, “The Cunning Little Secret of Certitude,” in his book The Covenanted Self (see a previous  post), I remembered how Psalm 73 saved me from my own “dark night of the soul” that followed the ending of what I thought would be a lifelong relationship within…

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A person holding a piece of paper with the words love makes a family.

A Catholic Lesbian Mother’s Reaction To The Discriminatory ‘Inclusion Act’

By pwsbuilder / August 11, 2014 /

Sometimes the personal truly is political. Today, I read a letter sent by three Catholic bishops to U.S. lawmakers. The letter endorses a bill that would allow publicly funded child welfare agencies to refuse to place children for foster care and adoption with same-sex couples due to “their religious beliefs or moral convictions.” The letter…

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Two baobab trees are silhouetted against the sun.

My Roots: Reflections On Metropolitan Community Church’s PAD Conference

By pwsbuilder / May 7, 2014 /

Whenever I think about my experiences over the years at the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) Conference for People of African Descent, Our Allies and Friends (PAD), I can’t help but think of the Tree of Life. Perhaps you’ve encountered this tree (pictured above) before and just didn’t know it. Remember Rafiki, the old and wise mandrill from The Lion King,…

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A person's hand is reaching for a piece of metal.

What Jesus Told Me

By pwsbuilder / April 24, 2014 / Comments Off on What Jesus Told Me

Playing a “gay Jesus” figure in Terrence McNally’s passion play “Corpus Christi” for the past eight years has given me a deeply intimate and awesomely sublime connection to the teachings of Jesus. This play brought me back to a faith I unofficially, and internally, denounced after being baptized, raised, and confirmed Catholic.  I couldn’t give…

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A collage of three priests, one with glasses and one with glasses.

A Tale Of Three Bishops

By pwsbuilder / April 21, 2014 /

Last week, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby (pictured middle above), laid the mass murders of Christians at the feet of same-gender married couples and Americans: I have stood by gravesides in Africa of a group of Christians who had been attacked because of something that had happened in America….[If the Church of England accepted same-gender marriage,] the…

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