
A man and a woman sitting on a couch.

The Double Feature

By pwsbuilder / April 8, 2014 / Comments Off on The Double Feature

There are movies that I can watch again and again with pleasure because they conjure up for me the “olden” times of my life. The Birds and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? take me back to a quaint California of the early 1960s, my native state. To Kill a Mockingbird and The Heart Is a…

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A rainbow of water droplets on a black background.

How One Epiphany Helped Me Grow As A Christian

By pwsbuilder / March 13, 2014 /

On Independence Day 2006, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ presented a resolution to hundreds of delegates to affirm same-sex marriages. It was a very hot, sunny Atlanta, Georgia afternoon with temperatures reaching beyond 100 degrees. However, it felt good inside the large auditorium, as cool air from powerful fans and air…

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A rainbow colored tree with a rainbow colored background.

A Journey Towards Wholeness And Reconciliation

By pwsbuilder / January 31, 2014 / Comments Off on A Journey Towards Wholeness And Reconciliation

From January 18th through February 16th, people are reflecting, contemplating, writing and harnessing passion to bring about peace, justice, and reconciliation by mobilizing the tremendous power of love as part of Standing on the Side of Love’s 30 Days of Love campaign. As I reflect on this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. holiday—a day when…

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A black and white photo of a person playing an acoustic guitar.

A Duck Dynasty Christmas

By pwsbuilder / December 20, 2013 /

It’s only days until Christmas, and I, like many LGBT people, spent much of the day alternately dodging and engaging yet another “gays vs. Christians” media firestorm. Even if you’ve never heard of him before, by now you’ve probably heard about Phil Robertson. Robertson is the patriarch of A&E’s hit show Duck Dynasty, and he…

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Two pictures of a woman in a suit and a pope.

Pope Francis & Edie Windsor Honored By Time Magazine

By pwsbuilder / December 11, 2013 / Comments Off on Pope Francis & Edie Windsor Honored By Time Magazine

Pope Francis was named today as Time magazine’s Person of the Year 2013, while “unlikely activist” Edith Windsor was featured as the runner-up. Honored for his “voice of conscience” and “focus on compassion,” Pope Francis’ unconventional style has revolutionized the way many view the Catholic Church. In a hopeful reflection, blogger Joseph Amodeo asked in…

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The shadow of a person walking on a path covered in leaves.

How To Be A Trans* Ally

By pwsbuilder / October 24, 2013 /

My feelings about “allies” to the transgender community are complicated. Sometimes this “ally” concept seems really powerful to me, and other times, it just seems like another shallow label. Sometimes the way we talk about “allies” feels insightful and important. Sometimes our language feels rigid and inadequate. In transgender communities, allies are very important—hugely important.…

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A group of people posing for a picture.

The Misnomer Of Safe Space

By pwsbuilder / October 23, 2013 /

The majority of life boils down to one of two relational spaces. There’s the surface-level presentation of self, best reserved for exchanging pleasantries with the man next to you in the grocery line or during the meet and greet at church. I like your necklace and did you see the game last week? How’s your…

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A gold wedding ring sits on top of an open bible.

Steadfast Love

By pwsbuilder / October 22, 2013 /

“I’m going to love you till I don’t love you no more…” So sang a song from the speakers in The Sports Connection, my gym when I lived in West Hollywood. I found the words funny, but when I laughed about them with a fellow weightlifter, he thought he was joining in the joke when…

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A group of people holding up rainbow flags in an office.

Why I’m Going Purple

By pwsbuilder / October 17, 2013 / Comments Off on Why I’m Going Purple

I read an article the other day about how a high-school student, near the end of his rope, went to talk to his school counselor. He felt safe because he saw a rainbow flag on her door. Today he is the president of the student government at a major university. Based on that article, you…

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We like you, proud.

Christians Affirm LGBTQ Youth This Spirit Day

By pwsbuilder / October 15, 2013 / Comments Off on Christians Affirm LGBTQ Youth This Spirit Day

This Thursday, October 17, is Spirit Day, when millions of people will wear purple to stand against bullying. Many Christians are responding to this call to support LGBTQ youth by participating in Spirit Day. Believe Out Loud is joining with GLAAD and a number of faith organizations as we turn our logo purple on our…

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