
Two speech bubbles on a beige background.

Methodists Take A Stand For Same-Sex Marriage

By pwsbuilder / November 30, 2011 / Comments Off on Methodists Take A Stand For Same-Sex Marriage

Methodists take a stand for marriage equality

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A man and woman sitting on a white porch.

Q & A With Jimmy Creech: Still Pushing For Gay Rights

By pwsbuilder / November 29, 2011 / Comments Off on Q & A With Jimmy Creech: Still Pushing For Gay Rights

Q & A with LGBT advocate Jimmy Creech

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Two speech bubbles on a beige background.

Frank Kameny’s Fight For Gay Rights Honored By LGBT-Inclusive Christians

By pwsbuilder / November 14, 2011 / Comments Off on Frank Kameny’s Fight For Gay Rights Honored By LGBT-Inclusive Christians

Remembering an LGBT Rights Pioneer

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Two speech bubbles on a beige background.

Muslim LGBT Inclusion: Starting The Conversation

By pwsbuilder / November 9, 2011 / Comments Off on Muslim LGBT Inclusion: Starting The Conversation

Muslim and LGBT? Beginning the conversation

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A rainbow over a church with a steeple in the background.

“Help! I’m An Open-Minded Christian In A Close-Minded World!”

By pwsbuilder / November 7, 2011 / Comments Off on “Help! I’m An Open-Minded Christian In A Close-Minded World!”

I’m in a bit of time-bind today (closing in on finishing the LGBT letters book), so I thought I would just share with you the letter below, which I got in this week. I’m not sure why I found it particularly touching. I think it’s just because it kind of breaks my heart, to think…

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Two people holding up signs that say approve 4 for the freedom to marry for all.

Joseph Ward Selected As New Director Of Believe Out Loud

By pwsbuilder / November 4, 2011 / Comments Off on Joseph Ward Selected As New Director Of Believe Out Loud

Believe Out Loud has announced the appointment of Joseph Ward as its Campaign Director.  Gwen Ashby, who has been serving as Interim Director, will join Mr. Ward as Associate Director. Joseph Ward is the former Director of Communications for Intersections International and has worked as a grassroots organizer and communications specialist for political campaigns including…

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A cross in the clouds with the sun shining behind it.

“My Gay Christian Cousin Committed Suicide”

By pwsbuilder / October 26, 2011 / Comments Off on “My Gay Christian Cousin Committed Suicide”

A few days ago I got in this letter: I recently found your website via a friend’s post on Facebook. I’m sure you hear that a million times a day. March 19th, my cousin died, likely from an overdose of prescription pain medications. I believe it was deliberate, considering he’d tried before—but we’ll never know…

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Obama speaks into a microphone at a campaign rally.

Missed Opportunity: Democrats’ New Faith Outreach Director Opposes Marriage Equality

By pwsbuilder / October 25, 2011 / Comments Off on Missed Opportunity: Democrats’ New Faith Outreach Director Opposes Marriage Equality

It was with a sinking heart, and not a little anger, that I read last week about the appointment of Rev. Derrick Harkins as the new Faith Outreach Director for the Democratic National Committee.  Turns out Rev. Harkins, who has a long list of Democratic-leaning affiliations, is opposed to marriage equality.  When asked by Religion…

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A silhouette of a man sitting on a rock in front of the ocean.

Putting A Halt To The Religious Right’s Anti-Gay Rhetoric

By pwsbuilder / October 20, 2011 / Comments Off on Putting A Halt To The Religious Right’s Anti-Gay Rhetoric

“I wish I could be happy, I try, I try, I try … I just want to feel special to someone.” –Jamie Hubley On October 14, Jamie Hubley, a gay 15-​year-​old boy, committed suicide. He struggled with depression and bullying from classmates because he was openly gay. The challenges experienced by this young man are…

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The inside of a cathedral with stained glass windows.

Savage v. Santorum: Time For Christians To Be Radically Inclusive

By pwsbuilder / October 18, 2011 / Comments Off on Savage v. Santorum: Time For Christians To Be Radically Inclusive

October 11th marked National Coming Out Day, an annual celebration to promote a safe world for LGBT individuals to live truthfully and openly. Ironically, this year’s event came two days after the conclusion of the annual Values Voter Summit, a gathering that the Southern Poverty Law Center urged people to boycott this year because two…

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