
A group of people posing for a selfie.

Honoring Queer Experiences Of God

By pwsbuilder / September 26, 2013 /

When I was first coming to terms with my queerness, I was terrified. I was a student at a college where being gay could get you kicked out. I had no idea how to reconcile my sexuality and gender identity with the things I was being taught in my classes and church. All I really…

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A group of people standing in front of a purple banner that says washington national cathedral.

Washington National Cathedral Stands With LGBT Youth

By pwsbuilder / September 24, 2013 /

Find your own welcoming & affirming congregation today.  It has been fifteen years since Matthew Shepard’s death this October, and Washington National Cathedral is taking time to observe it. The anniversary helps our nation to remember a watershed moment for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth. The anniversary of Matthew Shepard’s death is equally important…

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A painting of jesus in the basilica of st peter.

“God Save Us Nelly Queens”

By pwsbuilder / September 19, 2013 /

Grace Cathedral was packed, standing room only, for José Sarria’s funeral last Friday. The Episcopal bishop presided at the service, scriptures were read, politicians spoke and friends gave moving tributes to Sarria’s amazing life and accomplishments. But this was no ordinary memorial—drag queens in floor-length black gowns with heads covered in mantillas walked in the…

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A woman with curly hair standing next to a woman with sunflowers.

The Gospel For Recovering People Pleasers

By pwsbuilder / September 18, 2013 /

Are you familiar with this Bible verse? And if so, does it alarm you? Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law…

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A close up of a rusty metal object.

For All the (Gay) Saints Men’s Retreat

By pwsbuilder / September 18, 2013 / Comments Off on For All the (Gay) Saints Men’s Retreat

I am excited to be joining with Roman Catholic filmmaker and activist Brendan Fay to lead a new version of a 30 year “institution” founded by author and priest John McNeill. “For All The Saints” is an ecumenical opportunity for gay and bisexual men to reflect on their faith and build community “on the mountain”…

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Pope francis gives a speech at the vatican.

Ending Marginalization In The Catholic Church

By pwsbuilder / September 17, 2013 /

After serving as Roman Catholic priest for 40 years, nine months ago I was expelled from the priesthood and my Maryknoll community because of my public support for the ordination of women. While being expelled from my religious community that I loved was incredibly painful, that pain doesn’t compare to the hurt endured by women…

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Four people posing in front of the collegedale sign.

When A Redneck Loved A Queer

By pwsbuilder / September 16, 2013 /

I was at the inaugural annual Intercollegiate Adventist GSA Coalition (IAGC) meeting the first time I saw Seventh-Gay Adventists, a film that documents the lives of three couples who identify as members of both the queer community and the very conservative Seventh-day Adventist faith community. A year and a half later, I have seen the film in…

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The cover of a cd with two monks flying over a city.

Mychal Judge, Gay Saint Of 9/11 & Chaplain To New York Firefighters

By pwsbuilder / September 11, 2013 / Comments Off on Mychal Judge, Gay Saint Of 9/11 & Chaplain To New York Firefighters

Father Mychal Judge, chaplain to New York firefighters and unofficial “gay saint,” died helping others in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center 12 years ago today on Sept. 11, 2001.  Now as people pray and petition for peace in Syria, it is appropriate to remember the priest who was killed by flying debris while praying and administering…

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Are We Reflecting God’s Love To Each Other?

By pwsbuilder / September 10, 2013 /

Maria Medina is 17 years old, and she is a member of Presbyterian Welcome’s youth group. She preached this sermon in both Spanish and English on August 25 at her church in Brooklyn, NY.  Sometimes when people go out of church they say, “Boy, I wish so and so had heard that message.” I don’t want you…

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