
A black and white photo of a blonde woman in a car.

On Chelsea Manning’s Coming Out: A Christian Response

By pwsbuilder / August 23, 2013 /

On August 22, Private First Class Manning, the U.S. soldier sentenced to thirty-five years in prison on charges of leaking classified government documents, came out publicaly as a transgender woman. Rev. Allyson Robinson, former executive director of OutServe-SLDN, offers her thoughts below on Chelsea’s announcement.  What is your reaction to Chelsea Manning’s coming out as a transgender…

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A silhouette of a flower on a hill at sunset.

What Transgender People Teach Us About God, And Our Humanity

By pwsbuilder / August 22, 2013 / Comments Off on What Transgender People Teach Us About God, And Our Humanity

“Ultimately, the transgender question is about more than just sex. It’s about what it means to be human.” – Russell D. Moore, On Faith, Aug. 15 There are certainly more egregious quotes from Moore’s recent essay, but to focus on them would miss the larger point—that there is no “transgender question.” The question is about how people…

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A silhouette of a woman with her hands on her face.

Exposure: The Hidden Shame Of Secrecy

By pwsbuilder / August 21, 2013 /

I recently began corresponding with an old friend of mine who also grew up in a conservative Christian family. She is now an ordained minister and is the woman who presided over my marriage to my wife. We became friends in high school, but we hadn’t talked since graduation. When I moved to Seattle for…

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A group of people clapping in front of a stage.

Many Voices: Celebrating the Soul of Justice

By pwsbuilder / August 20, 2013 / Comments Off on Many Voices: Celebrating the Soul of Justice

If you’re in DC—or coming into town for the Congressional Black Caucus or National Black Justice Coalition convenings—don’t miss Celebrating the Soul of Justice on September 17. Remember how worship and singing fueled the civil rights movement and encouraged Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and our community to move forward with resolve? So must we…

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A man and woman are putting on a head scarf.

Coming Out Of The Wilderness & Into The City

By pwsbuilder / August 16, 2013 /

Rev. David Weekley saw himself as a pastor tending to his flock until he came out as one of the first openly transgender ministers serving in the United Methodist Church. At the age of 58, his life moved in an unexpected direction, away from the institutional church and toward working with the transgender community. Becky Garrison…

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Two hands making a heart shape with the sun behind them.

Why Do I Care?

By pwsbuilder / August 15, 2013 / Comments Off on Why Do I Care?

As issues surrounding gay rights are being brought to attention both in the political and religious arenas, it is impossible not to evaluate my own position within the movement. The question “Why do I, a person who does not identify as LGBTQ, care?” is often left unanswered; instead, we focus on why people are not in…

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Two children writing on a sign that says god thinks you're fabulous.

Presbyterian Welcome’s Year Of Youth

By pwsbuilder / August 14, 2013 / Comments Off on Presbyterian Welcome’s Year Of Youth

I touched down in New York City last year just two weeks after graduation from seminary to join the staff at Presbyterian Welcome. Though I didn’t know what would come from it, I knew that Mieke and I had a mutual passion: making sure that youth in and out of the church know they are loved, whether…

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A man wearing sunglasses sitting on the beach.

Gay Christian Student Removed From Work-Study Position At South Carolina University

By pwsbuilder / August 13, 2013 /

Stephen Lovegrove, a rising junior at Charleston Southern University in South Carolina, was informed this past Monday that he had lost his federally funded work-study position a resident advisor (RA) at his school. Lovegrove recently began posting on the internet about how he identifies as gay and Christian, and the administration took notice. The administration brought the…

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Pope francis shakes hands with a group of people.

“Who Am I to Judge?”

By pwsbuilder / August 12, 2013 / Comments Off on “Who Am I to Judge?”

Pope Francis asked a stunning question: “Who am I to judge?” This was in response to inquiries about whether or not there are gay priests in the Vatican—the now-renowned “gay lobby.” In a 90-minute interview returning from his travels in Brazil, an affable, relaxed Pope Francis covered a range of topics, but the “who am…

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A group of people holding a banner that says faith catholics committed equality for gbt persons.

Hope From The Pope: Making A Truth-Filled Mess, Judgement Free

By pwsbuilder / August 12, 2013 / Comments Off on Hope From The Pope: Making A Truth-Filled Mess, Judgement Free

As I sit at my gate waiting for the flight to the US at the end of a transformative week at World Youth Day in Rio, I have been reflecting on the various messages we have received from the pope: live your truth, make a mess, and who am I to judge. This week has…

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