United Methodists

Willow tree nativity figurines.

The Everyday Miracle Of God With Us

By pwsbuilder / January 6, 2016 / Comments Off on The Everyday Miracle Of God With Us

When I was in high school, I secretly believed that the idea of God being ‘born’ was simply outrageous. Up to that time, I had been educated according to the scientific method and trained to use the tools of critical analysis that rely upon empirical verification to substantiate ‘truth.’ My education did not leave room…

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A woman in a white robe standing in front of a church.

Now Is My Time: Coming Out To My Methodist Congregation

By pwsbuilder / January 5, 2016 / Comments Off on Now Is My Time: Coming Out To My Methodist Congregation

On January 3, 2016, Rev. Cynthia Meyer, pastor for Edgerton United Methodist Church in Edgerton, Kansas, came out to her congregation. Meyer’s announcement comes after 25 years of leadership in The United Methodist Church (The UMC), a denomination that does not allow LGBTQ clergy or same-sex marriage. The wise sages from different lands had seen…

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A wooden shelf with books and pencils on it.

Where My Loyalty Lies

By pwsbuilder / November 2, 2015 / Comments Off on Where My Loyalty Lies

I hate to drive. But I spent about four days this past weekend in my car, on the road for Reconciling Ministries Network. I did something I hate because I love my church–the one where God’s people taught me the language of faith, and the power of the Gospel to set people free. It was…

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A man with a beard and a woman with a bow tie.

Because I Am Their Pastor & They Are God’s Beloved Children

By pwsbuilder / July 29, 2015 /

On August 1, 2015, I will be involuntarily removed from the work of my calling. I will have gone to sleep the night before as an ordained United Methodist minister of the gospel, only to awaken in the morning as a suspended pastor in The United Methodist Church. And then, for ninety days—more than twice…

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A girl is holding a book that says no bullying allowed.

I Will Not Be Bullied By My Church

By pwsbuilder / July 27, 2015 / Comments Off on I Will Not Be Bullied By My Church

“F**got!”- the big boys yelled across the school yard. You try to avoid eye contact, mindful that you’re about to burst into tears. You get home and run up to your room to hide your bruises and drown your broken heart with loud music. You shut out your parents, who might not call you names,…

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A close-up of hands holding a cup.

The Wholeness Of The Body Of Christ: Marriage Equality, Christian Unity, & Mainline Decline

By pwsbuilder / June 2, 2015 /

Last month, Adam Hamilton shared this post about marriage equality in the United Methodist Church. Hamilton is a public figure, an authoritative voice not just within his own denomination, but within all of mainline Protestantism. He’s a popular author and speaker, and having grown his church to ‘mega’ status—mostly unheard of outside of fundamentalist circles—his voice carries.…

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A group of people in colorful shirts posing for a photo.

Will “Third Way” Move United Methodist Church Toward LGBTQ Inclusion?

By pwsbuilder / May 28, 2015 /

The body of Christ includes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) persons. All around the world, and throughout the course of history, the church has baptized queer babies, raised them in the faith, and relied on their many gifts, skills, talents, resources, and passion as it has sought to be food for the world.…

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Rev dr gerald trigo.

Rev. Dr. Gerald Trigg: A Lifetime Of Biblical Obedience

By pwsbuilder / May 22, 2015 / Comments Off on Rev. Dr. Gerald Trigg: A Lifetime Of Biblical Obedience

Rev. Dr. Gerald Trigg was a minister who not only understood, but lived Biblical Obedience through his support of civil rights and later LGBTQ advocacy. He died at 81 years old this week but he left a life-long ministry of social justice work that speaks well of this United Methodist leader. In 1963, Rev. Trigg…

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Two women standing next to each other on a staircase.

I Was Fired From My Job Because I’m Gay

By pwsbuilder / April 24, 2015 /

On March 18, I was fired for the first time in my life, and it had nothing to do with my job performance. I was fired because I’m gay. My girlfriend and I were called, one at a time, into the director’s office at Aloma Methodist Early Childhood Learning Center. We were questioned as to…

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A rainbow colored string hanging from a tree.

Learning To Live In Biblical Obedience

By pwsbuilder / April 8, 2015 / Comments Off on Learning To Live In Biblical Obedience

“Ah, how beautiful the feet of those on the mountain who declare the good news of victory, of peace and liberation.” Isaiah 52:7a These words rang true on March 21, 2015 when the Pacific Northwest Reconciling Ministries gathered at Bellevue First United Methodist Church for our annual gathering: Biblical Obedience: Learning, Engaging, Taking Action. We gathered to connect with…

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