United Methodists

A mosaic sign with black letters.

Why I Defend An Institution That Does Not Defend Me

By pwsbuilder / March 25, 2015 /

In case you missed it, a few days ago the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)  changed its definition of marriage to include people of every sexual orientation and gender identity. There has been much celebration, and I rejoice with my Presbyterian siblings. As someone who is particularly sensitive to Reformed theology, days like these make me desperately…

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A group of people walking in front of a building.

Openly Transgender Ministers To Preach & Speak At Candler School Of Theology At Emory University

By pwsbuilder / March 17, 2015 /

For the first time, an openly transgender priest is scheduled to preach at Candler School of Theology at Emory University. The Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge, the Episcopal chaplain at Boston University, will be the guest preacher in the school’s chapel service on Tuesday, March 26. The service will be livestreamed on Candler’s website. The service…

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A group of people are throwing flowers in the air.

The Day Love Reigned In Florida

By pwsbuilder / February 24, 2015 / Comments Off on The Day Love Reigned In Florida

From faiths of all traditions, we clergy stood waiting to be selected like kids on a childhood playground. People from all walks of life had gathered: gay, straight, couples, singles, families with children, black, white, Latino, and Asian. People mingled introducing one to another. All of us there for one purpose, to celebrate and witness the…

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Two men cutting a cake at a wedding.

Bringing The United Methodist Church To A Higher Calling

By pwsbuilder / January 13, 2015 /

I have worked for churches all of my adult life, and whether I was leading worship or simply attending a wedding I have heard the words, “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace” at weddings countless times. However, growing up in the North Georgia Conference of The United Methodist Church I…

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A man in a black suit standing in a church.

Judicial Council Rules In Favor Of Rev. Frank Schaefer

By pwsbuilder / October 27, 2014 / Comments Off on Judicial Council Rules In Favor Of Rev. Frank Schaefer

In 2013, Rev. Frank Schaefer was found “guilty” by the United Methodist Church for officiating the wedding of his son, Tim, to his same-sex partner. Today’s news comes from the Judicial Council, the denomination’s highest court. I bring you great news: the Judicial Council has affirmed the reinstatement of Rev. Frank Schaefer to ordained ministry in The United…

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A rainbow is seen over a cloudy sky.

Be A Rainbow In Somebody’s Cloud

By pwsbuilder / July 31, 2014 / Comments Off on Be A Rainbow In Somebody’s Cloud

As Maya Angelou passed this May, many of my friends and family took to social media to honor her life. One my favorite quotes by Dr. Angelou seemed to be a favorite amongst others: Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud. She stated once in an interview:  There’s an African American song that’s 19th century—it’s so…

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A woman sitting in a church.

Today Is Painful, But It Is Not The End

By pwsbuilder / May 15, 2014 /

In June 2013, Mary Ann Barclay was removed from her ordination process by her United Methodist Board of Ordained Ministry after she married a woman. After being reinstated in December 2013 by Southwest Texas Bishop Jim Dorff, Barclay interviewed before the board this week and was not recommended for commissioning. The following is her statement on this…

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A man and woman pose for a selfie with their dogs.

United Methodists Gathering For Full LGBTQ Inclusion At Wedding

By pwsbuilder / April 9, 2014 /

Despite their denomination’s policy against gays and lesbians, people of faith from all over California and neighboring states will be celebrating a “Season of Love” this coming May—a call for acts of love and support for full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people in The United Methodist Church. “It all begins with…

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A man with a beard sitting at a table in a restaurant.

Where Do I Go?

By pwsbuilder / March 26, 2014 /

I was sitting in Rev. Vance Rains’ office at the Florida State Wesley Foundation the first time I said the words “I’m gay” out loud to any other living human. I specify because of the countless memories I have of telling people in dreams, and also prayerfully informing my deceased grandmother, who I firmly believe…

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An act of love.

An Act Of Love: A Documentary Inspired By Rev. Frank Schaefer

By pwsbuilder / March 12, 2014 /

Like a lot of you, I first heard about Rev. Frank Schaefer from the news. I read an article back in November about a United Methodist pastor who was in the middle of a church trial. Six years earlier, Rev. Schaefer had performed a small wedding ceremony for his son, Tim, something countless pastors have…

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