
A girl with a blue tape on her mouth.

My Christian College Censored My Alumni Update

By pwsbuilder / January 13, 2014 /

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6:8) When I was asked at the start of last spring semester whether I would be interested in assisting on research for an amicus brief…

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A lit candle in front of a bokeh background.

The Dawn Of Advent: A Reflection On World AIDS Day

By pwsbuilder / December 3, 2013 / Comments Off on The Dawn Of Advent: A Reflection On World AIDS Day

I make it a point to try to avoid focusing or writing too heavily on my status as an HIV positive individual, lest it comes to define me. There are two times throughout the year, however, where I make it a practice to reflect on the virus. One occurs around the early weeks of Epiphany,…

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A drawing of jesus and a diagram of the coronavirus.

Saints Bring Hope On World AIDS Day 25th Anniversary

By pwsbuilder / December 2, 2013 / Comments Off on Saints Bring Hope On World AIDS Day 25th Anniversary

World AIDS Day, which marks its 25th anniversary this year on Dec. 1, supports everyone affected by HIV. The day is dedicated to prevention and treatment, and honors those who died of AIDS—more than 25 million people worldwide. First held in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first global health day for any disease.  …

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