
Three women in pink shirts holding a banner in front of a building.

Raising A Banner For Title IX: Our Message to the NCAA

By pwsbuilder / April 7, 2017 / Comments Off on Raising A Banner For Title IX: Our Message to the NCAA

Though I had my mom with me on our crew of activists, Soulforce’s action at the women’s Final Four basketball game this weekend was one of the more daunting in my dozen years of direct action organizing. From the moment we entered the arena, police crowded us, grilled us with questions, monitored us from above,…

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How You Can Strengthen Intergenerational Organizing In North Carolina

By pwsbuilder / April 4, 2017 / Comments Off on How You Can Strengthen Intergenerational Organizing In North Carolina

Please complete the survey and share it with other North Carolina advocates, activists, community organizers and service providers by Friday, April 7th. I have lived in Charlotte, North Carolina, for less than a year and have about six months of experience working as a community organizer in the city. Nevertheless, the Freedom Center for Social…

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A cactus with white flowers in the desert.

Internalized Resilience—Embracing Thrivingness

By pwsbuilder / March 31, 2017 / Comments Off on Internalized Resilience—Embracing Thrivingness

I am not oppressed, I am not a victim—I thrive, I rise, I am. A few months ago, I participated at an organization’s Board of Directors meeting. It was an intense gathering where we were all challenged to stretch beyond our comfort zones and look at how each of us participates in anti-oppression work and in…

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A man wearing a red hat with the words make america great again.

How Do We “Love Those Who Persecute Us?”

By pwsbuilder / March 30, 2017 /

As my boyfriend Chris and I were walking down the stairs to the subway train platform to head to Sunday morning service at Riverside Church, I spotted it. That unmistakable fire engine red, poorly designed, ill-fitting cap that has become an emblem for all things sexist, racist, xenophobic, and anti-Muslim. We were still a ways…

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A group of people holding signs with the words people of faith for resistance.

A Response to Rev. Dr. David Gushee’s “Ethical Analysis of the ‘New Sanctuary Movement’”

By pwsbuilder / March 23, 2017 /

Hearing Rev. Dr. David P. Gushee speak at The Reformation Project’s 2014 National Conference remains one of the more powerful experiences I have had in my time with our organization. I, a Venezuelan immigrant, sat in the front pew as he spoke a convicting and prophetic word. This word made me weep for my adoptive…

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The statue of liberty holding a heart with the words mother of exile.

Painting the Mother of Exiles

By pwsbuilder / March 13, 2017 / Comments Off on Painting the Mother of Exiles

Last month, my column focused on the importance of intersectionality within the LGBTQ movement by highlighting the revolutionary work of Sojourner Truth, an escaped slave, abolitionist, and women’s rights activist. I’d like to continue to press the importance of intersectionality, particularly given our current political state. Of late, I’ve received a little criticism that some…

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Young, Trans, and Afraid of the Bathroom

By pwsbuilder / February 22, 2017 /

Editor’s Note: Today, the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice made it clear that they will not uphold guidelines designed to help schools support transgender students. Our faith tells us trans students deserve to be treated with dignity and respect—this includes the ability to use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with who they are.…

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A man is holding his hand up in front of a dark background.

Milo Yiannopoulos’ Trash Talking Tanks

By pwsbuilder / February 22, 2017 / Comments Off on Milo Yiannopoulos’ Trash Talking Tanks

Trigger Warning: discussions of pedophilia and child abuse  For Milo Yiannopoulos—vulgarian, alt-right’s telegenic token gay and Breitbart’s polemical senior editor—his last appearance on a national stage may have finally come. And, the bridge too far for even his audience wasn’t Yiannopoulos’s misogyny, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or homophobia, to name a few, but rather his…

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A painting of a woman holding a heart.

Painting Sojourner Truth

By pwsbuilder / February 10, 2017 / Comments Off on Painting Sojourner Truth

I’ve long held that feminism, in order to be true and engaged and practical, must be intersectional. Such is also the case, I believe, for LGBTQ rights. The work of justice for queer people must also include justice for other marginalized groups. Because many LGBTQ people are also women, people of color, people with disabilities,…

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A close up of grass with the sun shining on it.

Self Care: Tools for the Resistance

By pwsbuilder / February 6, 2017 /

Every morning I wake up and I try to work for a better, more just world. I am a faith organizer for Reconciling Ministries Network.  It is my job to spend each day working with people a little bit each day to do justice, and to push for a world where everyone has enough, where…

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