
A statue of jesus in front of a blue sky.

Christian Parents Reject Their Gay Son: What Can We Do?

By pwsbuilder / August 29, 2014 /

A video making its way through the internet depicts one of the worst coming out experiences one can have. In it, we hear a mother start with “I love you,” and move quickly to kicking her son out of her home, then to attacking and beating him. The video is painful to watch (listen to, actually,…

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God Is Gender Non-Conforming

By pwsbuilder / August 22, 2014 /

I grew up learning about a God who was a “He.” Sporting a white beard and positively owning that throne in the sky, this was a God who threw lightning bolts when you strayed from the path of righteousness. When I got to college, I took a necessary break from believing in God. Even before…

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A bald eagle perched on a rock near the water.

Where We Go Next

By pwsbuilder / August 4, 2014 / Comments Off on Where We Go Next

Two weeks ago, I was invited to the White House. I received an email asking me to be present for President Obama signing his executive order banning LGBT employment discrimination by federal contractors. It was an incredible honor to be present for a historical event like that. The whole event went by fast, but I…

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A sunset over a lake with clouds in the background.

Still, In One Peace

By pwsbuilder / July 28, 2014 /

I believe we can be strong, hopeful, and secure, while discovering how to live each moment, confront every struggle, and handle any adversity. In doing this, we are able to find ourselves living Still, In One Peace. Many of you will know the painful struggles and adversities through which we hope to find ourselves still…

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A view of the earth from space.

Wishful Thinking

By pwsbuilder / July 23, 2014 / Comments Off on Wishful Thinking

Surprisingly, Yale Law School professor Dan Kahan has found in a recent study that beliefs about such things as evolution and global warming are not necessarily based on ignorance, but often on a knowledge of the scientific facts that are wilfully resisted because of a person’s political or religious identity and affiliation. In other words,…

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A painting of a mermaid with a heart in her hand.

Queering Iconography: Why I Wrote And Painted Holy Women Icons

By pwsbuilder / July 16, 2014 / Comments Off on Queering Iconography: Why I Wrote And Painted Holy Women Icons

As a scholar of Art and Religion, I have long known the power of images to evoke spiritual meaning, providing believers with a visual entry point into faith. As an ordained queer woman, I have also long known that much of iconography excludes anyone who looks and loves like me. Though there are surely some…

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The interior of a church with red pews and an ornate ceiling.

Let’s Make Church Better, Now

By pwsbuilder / July 16, 2014 / Comments Off on Let’s Make Church Better, Now

At a time where the Catholic Church is under much scrutiny due to scandal, abuses of power, and upholding teachings that fracture rather then unite, this short video of Father Donal Godfrey has rekindled my faith that all will be well within the tradition I was raised in. Many have asked me if Pope Francis’…

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A black and white photo of a statue in a cemetery.

Damages: The Effects Of Spiritual Abuse

By pwsbuilder / July 7, 2014 /

Trigger Warning: Discussion of suicide and self-harm There is so much blood on the hands of Christians. From the Crusades to the modern anti-gay laws of Uganda, we are drenched in a legacy of blood. Perhaps it is fitting. After all, Christianity was born out of blood spilled on the cross. I had heard all…

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A large room with many people in it.

A Sanctuary Of Rainbows

By pwsbuilder / June 27, 2014 /

I have never in my life heard a Pentecost sermon that began in total honesty. A Holy Week homily can easily start with “It is finished.” And who can resist the back-and-forth that begins Easter Sunday sermons around the world: “He is risen!” followed by an emotional “He is risen, indeed!” The Pentecost story gives…

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A black and white photo of a man and woman hugging.

Crossing The State Border: From Married To Single In An Instant

By pwsbuilder / May 21, 2014 / Comments Off on Crossing The State Border: From Married To Single In An Instant

I want to begin my musing with a little history. In June 1958, two residents of Virginia, Mildred Jeter, a Black woman, and Richard Loving, a White man, were married in the District of Columbia pursuant to its laws. Shortly after their marriage, the Lovings returned to Virginia and established their marital abode in Caroline…

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