Get To Know Our Welcoming Spiritual Digital Community
There are still constant efforts to squeeze people, especially from the LGBTQIA+ community, who are different out of public space. With that, it is critical to remain grounded in the deep faith that all people are worthy of God’s love.
What We Believe
Believe Out Loud is a digital community working to move all people toward an expansive, transformative understanding of divine love. We center and sanctify queer spirituality across our programs.
Programs Supporting LGBTQIA+ Members
We have online worship services led by LGBTQIA+ faith leaders. Meanwhile, our grantmaking programs support faith-driven peacebuilders around the world.
Our Social Media Platforms as a Safe Space
On our social media platforms, hundreds of thousands of queer people of faith and allies gather to experience affirmation of their divinity. They also want to heal from damaging societal messages alienating the community from spiritual resources.
Advocating for the Coexistence of Spirituality and Sexuality
Believe Out Loud knows that faith and sexuality can coexist. Too often, the world tells us that queer and religious identities are incompatible. However, the LGBTQIA+ community reports high levels of faith engagement.
Accessible Spiritual Resources for the Queer Community
Our mission is to meet this need for spiritual content tailored to the LGBTQIA+ community. We have resources that go beyond tolerance and acceptance to use the LGBTQIA+ experience as a framework for understanding the divine.
Inclusive Platform for Everyone
Believe Out Loud is for all identities, sexualities, faiths, and denominations. People from all racial, religious, cultural, sexual orientation, and gender-expression backgrounds come to our platforms.
We honor and showcase the perspectives of the diverse communities we serve.
Ministry for the LGBTQIA+ Community
Believe Out Loud is a program of the Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ. We are a vibrant, inclusive, and progressive congregation known historically and predominantly as the largest LGBTQIA+ church in the world.
Expanding the Faith Community
We committed to engaging in partnerships across faith traditions and denominations. As an intergenerational, multiracial, multi-faith, and sexually- and gender-diverse team, we commit to expanding what a faith community can do in the world.
Learn More About Us
Do you have any questions about our community? Reach out to us today for more details. We hope to hear from you soon!